Student Blog

About Me

This is a page and not a post. Feel free to edit to share as much or as little about yourself as you choose. You may also delete this page, in which case you would have to delete it under Appearance/Menus.

Note the Home page is a feed of blog posts in chronological order. You have the option to set the Home page as a static page under Settings/Reading. For example, if you wanted your About Me page to be your home page, you could set it to be the static home page.

Note the other menu on this website (Learning Design) is an aggregation of blog posts based on a category. For every post you create for this course, please add the “edci335” category. This will allow it to be aggregated into the Learning Design menu on your personal website and it will also allow it to be aggregated into the EDCI 335 course website (if you give permission to do so). You may also add any other relevant categories to a blog post. For example, you would add “Learning Design” category for any post related to EDCI 335. You may have blog posts that apply to other interests or courses, and those would not be aggregated onto our course website, so long as they don’t have the edci335 category applied. Only those with the edci335 category assigned to them would be appear on the course website. You can assign more than one category per post and feel free also to add tags, which are more specific in description than broad categories. Feel free create additional categories and tags, but please do not delete the categories we have set up for you.

Enjoy blogging! and please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have.

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Theme by Anders Norén